Examining the Growth of Regional Science and Technology Clusters in the Global Economy
Relevance. Creating policies to stimulate innovation as part of national economic development requires a more in-depth understanding of the current trends, especially the role of science and technology (S&T) clusters. In this study, we use patent and publication data to identify key S&T clusters and leading countries. The lessons learned from their experiences offer valuable guidance for other nations striving for consistent progress in research and development.
Research objective. The study aims to assess how well innovation processes are organized in S&T clusters; to identify the factors and drivers influencing the development of these clusters in the global economy; and to determine the competitive advantages of the top countries in terms of patent applications and publication activity.
Data and methods. Using the cluster approach employed in the methodology of the Global Innovation Index, we conducted a comparative analysis of the annual data and indicators published in this index related to patent and publication activity.
Results. Our analysis has revealed 20 key fields in S&T clusters, the leading positions being occupied by medical, digital, and computer technologies, as well as the pharmaceutical industry. In terms of patent and publication activity, the top countries in the ranking of S&T clusters are the USA, Japan, Germany, and China. Although these countries maintained their leadership in the given period (2017-2021), all of them, except for China, demonstrated a decrease in their share in the indicators under consideration.
Conclusions. A country is included in the ranking of the Global Innovation Index of S&T clusters when it exhibits a high quality of fundamental and applied research, as evidenced by its levels of publication and patent activity. To establish successful clusters eligible for ranking, a country should primarily formulate policies aimed at improving the quality of research and development. These policies should also facilitate growth in the key performance indicators, such as the number of patent applications and publication activity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2023.9.3.021
Copyright (c) 2023 Abdulaziz A. Abduvaliev, Abduvali A. Isadjanov
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Online ISSN 2412-0731