Development Trends and Dynamics of Industrial Specialization in Russian Regions

Svetlana N. Kotlyarova, Elena A. Shamova


Relevance. The study of the industrial structure of regional economies has gained relevance amid shifting geopolitics and unprecedented sanctions, prompting the need for economic restructuring, product/sector substitution, and the exploration of new growth opportunities at national and regional levels.

Research objective. This study evaluates the dynamics of industrial specializations in Russian regions and their role in ensuring stable regional economic development. The hypothesis is that there is a direct link between the resilience of the regional economic system and its industrial specializations. Here, resilience refers to the territory's ability to minimize the negative impacts of external shocks and threats and restore its economic level during a specified adaptation period.

Data and method. The focus of this study is  industrially developed regions whose economies rely predominantly on manufacturing. The study uses Rosstat data on shipped goods, performed works, and services from 2019 to 2022. Data cleansing involves removing the inflationary component using producer price indices. The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is used for the sectors in the "C. Manufacturing" category of OKVED2 (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities).

Results. The study identifies regional variations in industrial specialization levels and progression, categorizing regions into diversified and specialized. We found the transformation of the economic structure in the majority of the examined regions and identified the "new" and "departed" sectors of industrial specialization. Resilience to crises is analyzed, revealing three groups of regions based on their resilience levels. Key industries driving regional development are also identified.

Conclusions. Analysis of industrially developed regions uncovers unique structural transformations, offering valuable insights for regional policymakers. Future research avenues may involve refining socio-economic profiles based on industrial specialization and formulating government measures to support industrial development.


industrially developed regions, industrial specialization, external constraints, drivers of development, structural change, economic transformation, adaptive capacity, sanctions

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Copyright (c) 2024 Svetlana N. Kotlyarova, Elena A. Shamova

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