Exploring the role of interregional technological cooperation in macro-regional spatial and innovation development

Natalya O. Chistyakova, Alexander A. Mikhalchuk, Ekaterina A. Akerman, Yulia S. Bocharova


Relevance. The paper explores interregional cooperation, examining the challenges of aligning spatial and innovation development in macro-regions, with a focus on two federal districts of Russia. The study assesses the potential of interregional cooperation among neighboring regions within a single federal district, as well as among more distant regions across different federal districts.
Research Objective. The study aims to test two hypotheses: the first deals with the viability of imitation innovation strategies in peripheral regions of both intra and inter-federal districts. The second hypothesis concerns the presence of innovation interdependence (autocorrelation) among regions from different federal districts, influenced by the level and industrial compatibility of innovation outputs.

Data and methods. The study employs the DEA method to identify central and peripheral regions (imitator regions) by calculating technical efficiency indicators. It also uses coupling interregional complementarity indexes to assess the potential for interregional cooperation in innovation and technological import substitution, considering the industrial profiles of the regions. Spatial autocorrelation is evaluated by using Moran's Index to estimate the level of regional interdependence, factoring in the level and industry conformity of innovation output. The novelty of the proposed methodological approach lies in the application of interregional indexes of innovation complementarity as weighting coefficients in Moran's Index calculation.

Results. The study reveals a rise in spatial inequality, competition among regions, and constrained interregional innovation cooperation across federal districts. Geographical proximity currently plays a pivotal role in cooperation, with initial indications of a macro-regional space evolving through knowledge exchange. However, both hypotheses concerning imitation strategies and autocorrelation are only confirmed for regions within a single federal district.

Conclusions. The findings of this study regarding spatial autocorrelation offer valuable insights for policymakers in the sphere of regional innovation.


spatial and innovation development, interregional cooperation, DEA-method, Moran`s Index, innovation complementarity index

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2024.10.2.013

Copyright (c) 2024 Natalya O. Chistyakova, Alexander A. Mikhalchuk, Ekaterina A. Akerman, Yulia A. Bocharova

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