Liudmila Nikolaevna Rogaleva, Lira Gayazovna Ulyaeva, Franco Noce


The article presents the materials of the speeches of the of the round table participants that was held within the framework of the international scientific and practical online conference "Sports psychology in the intercultural space". For the first time in many years, members of the Association of Sports Psychologists of Russia and the CIS countries were able to meet with representatives of the Managing Council of the International Society of Sports Psychology (ISSP) to build a dialogue and cooperation. The article presents the original materials of the participants of the round table, including various aspects of the organizational and practical work of the members of the ISSP Managing Council together with other international associations and federations. Each speaker's report was devoted to a specific topic. At the same time, all the reports complement each other and allow us to understand the current trends in the development of sports psychology in the world. During the round table, the activities of sports psychology associations in Russia, China and India are most fully revealed. An educational project for training specialists in the field of sports and physical exercises initiated by the European Federation of Sports Psychology more than 25 years ago is also considered. The Past President of ISSP Gangyan Si made a report on the initiatives of the ISSP "Think Tank" Center related to the mental health of athletes. The work of ISSP on international certification of specialists in the field of sports psychology is presented in the reports of Chris Harwood and Franco Noce. Professor Daniel Gucciardi made a video presentation about his vision of the main problems in the field of sports psychology and the important role of promoting open science.

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