Конгресс в Мантуе и антитурецкая политика папы Пия II

Nikolay Gennad'yevich Pashkin


The article studies the activities of Pope Pius II (1458–1460) on the organization of the West struggle against the Turkish threat. The first serious step in this regard was the political congress in Mantua (1459–1460) under his leadership. Contradictions among European states prevented them to use their joint potential. It was followed by the definitive discredit on the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in the eyes of the Pope and the attempt to undertake the role of the Crusade leader. The idea also sputtered out after the unsuccessful attempt to make the coalition of Italian states.

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Крестовые походы, Турция, Византия, Эней Сильвий Пикколомини.

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