«Я не верю в талисманологию» (Евгений Болховитинов о черниговской гривне)

Igor' Pavlovich Medvedev+


The article is devoted an unknown episode from a history of discovering of so-called «Chernigov grivna» or «Vladimir Monomachos Grivna». It was the chasing gold medallion-zmeevik of the 11th century which has been discovered in 1821 near to Chernigov. The question is to show the first impressions among the scientists from this sensational archeological find and an interpretation of it by Evgeny Bolkhovitinov (1767–1837).

Ключевые слова

древняя Русь, историография, источниковедение, Чернигов, Евгений Болховитинов, Алексей Оленин.

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