Трагическая судьба третьего тома «Иконографии Богоматери» академика Н. П. Кондакова

Irina Vladimirovna Tunkina


The third volume of academician N.P. Kondakov’s «Iconography of the Mother of God» remained inpublished in Russian. Kondakov took the manuscript to Prague and in December 1924 the publication rights were sold to the Vatican. Since that time the manuscript had been thought lost. A French translation, written in four different hands, was recently discovered by I. Foletti in the Pontifical Oriental Institute, and published by him (Roma, 2011). Attempts to discover the Russian original should be conducted in the Slavonic Department of the Vatican Library and National Library of France in Paris, with the purpose of publishing Kondakov’s original in his native land in fitting manner.

Ключевые слова

историография, история искусства, Кондаков Н. П., иконография Богоматери.

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