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Профессор Пурэвийн Зузаан (80 лет со дня рождения)

A. G. Revenko


Ключевые слова: профессор П. Зузаан, рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ, разработка и внедрение методик РФА природных материалов, способы анализа.

Полный текст:




Sodnom N., Dalkhsuren B., Revenko A.G., Gerbish S., Zuzaan P., Davaa S. Application of an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with a semiconductor detector for determining the content of elements in ores. Rep. of the first Intern. Sci. the Conf. Geol. and Minerals of East. Mongolia and Adjacent Territories, 1977, pp. 11–13. (in Russian).

Revenko A.G., Zuzaan P., Batraeva А.А., Dalkhsuren B. X-ray spectral determination of element contents in Prikhuvsgul plants. In: Natural Conditions and Resources of some Regions of Mongolia, Ulan-Bator, 1978, pp. 34–36. (in Russian).

Revenko A.G., Petrova G.P., Zuzaan P., Dalkhsuren B. [Study of the possibility of X-ray spectral determination of element contents in plant materials]. Tez. dokl. Vses. sov. "50 let otech. rentg. priborostroeniia" i 12 Vses. sov. po rentg. spektr-i [Abstract. report All owls "50 years of domestic X-ray instrumentation" and 12 All-Union. owls by X-ray spectrum], St. Petersburg, 1978, p. 54. (in Russian).

Batraeva A.A., Ivelskaya V.I., Petrova G.P., Revenko A.G., Zuzaan P. Chemical composition of plants of certain species in Prikhuvsugul. Rep. of the XIII intern. Conf. on the results of the work of the Mongol-Soviet integrated Khuvsgul expedition, Irkutsk, 1979, pp. 38–40. (in Russian).

Sodnom N., Dalkhsuren B., Revenko A.G., Gerbish S., Zuzaan P., Davaa S. X-ray fluorescent express method for determining the content of multi-element ore. Labor of the Mongolo-Soviet Kerulen geological expedition. Questions of Geology and Metallogeny of Eastern Mongolia. NUM, 1979, pp. 33–47. (in Russian).

Zuzaan P., Revenko A.G., Petrova G.P., Dalkhsuren B., Gracheva E.A., Gerbish Sh. The application of the X-ray spectral method for the analysis of the chemical composition of natural materials in the Khuvsgul region. In: Natural Conditions and Resources of Some Areas of the MPR, Ulan Bator, 1980, pp. 63–64. (in Russian).

Batzhargal B., Zuzaan P., Gerbish Sh., Martynov V.P., Martynova A.S., Revenko A.G. [Geochemistry of some elements in tundra soils of the Khubsugul region]. Prirodnye usloviia i resursy nekotorykh raionov MNR [Natural Conditions and Resources of Some Areas of the MPR], Ulan Bator, 1980, pp. 54-55. (in Russian).

Belov A.G., Vyropaev V.Y., Sodnom N., Dalkhsuren B., Gerbish Sh., Zuzaan P, Davaa S. (). X-ray fluorescence determination of small contents of elements from vanadium to molybdenum by a new procedure of the calibration on a semiconductor detector spectrometer. At. Energy, 1980, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 90–94. (in Russian).

Zuzaan P., Dalkhsuren B., Gerbish S., Revenko A.G., Sodnom N. Determination of niobium content in geological samples using X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with semiconductor detector. Sci. Trans., Natl. Univ. Mong. 1982, no. 4, pp. 135–141. (in Russian).

Dalkhsuren B., Zuzaan P., Mongontsetseg A., Revenko A.G. [Determination of some elements in natural water using radioisotope X-ray fluorescence analysis]. Prirodnye usloviia i resursy nekotorykh raionov MNR [Natural conditions and resources of some regions of the Mongolian People's Republic], Irkutsk, 1981, pp. 56-57. (in Russian).

Zuzaan P., Sodnom N., Dalkhsuren B., Revenko A.G. Application of semiconductor detectors in XRF. Sci. Trans., Natl. Univ. Mong. 1982, no. 4, pp.103–117. (in Russian).

Revenko A.G., Pazdnikov S.M., Zuzaan P. Comparison of X-ray fluorescence intensities for lines of the K- and L-series. In the book: Abstr. Rep. 13 All owls by X-ray and electronic spectrum. Lviv, 1981, pp. 54-55. (in Russian).

Revenko A.G., Pazdnikov S.M., Zuzaan P. Comparison of X-ray fluorescence intensities for lines of the K- and L-series. Zavodskaya laboratoriya. Diagnostika materialov [Factory laboratory. Materials diagnostic]. no. 12, pp. 16-20. (in Russian).

Zuzaan P. Research and development of procedures of X-ray fluorescence analysis of natural materials. Abstract of Doctoral Thesis for the degree of candidate of phys. and mathem. Sci., Ulaanbaatar,1985, 22 p. (in Russian).

Batraeva A.A., Baritskaya V.A., Zhamsran T.S., Zuzaan P. Some information on the content of heavy metals in the ash of the Prikhuvsul plants. In: Abstr. of the Intern. Conf. Natural Conditions and Resources of Some Areas in the MPR, Ulaanbaatar, 1986, pp. 58–59.

Revenko A.G., Zuzaan P., Sodnom N. Evaluation of the metrological characteristics of methods for X-ray fluorescence analysis of soils and rocks using a spectrometer with a semiconductor detector. Depon. VINITI № 1725-88, 1988, 16 p. (in Russian).

Zuzaan P., Revenko A.G., Sodnom N. Хорс, уулын чулуулгын энерго-дисперсийн рентгенофлуоресценцийн аргын хэмжил зуйн узуулэлтийн унэлгээ. Uchen. Zap. Mon. Univ., 1990, no. 5(103), pp. 129-143.

Zuzaan P., Gansukh N., Dalhsuren B., Jargalsaikhan D. Method of X-Ray Fluorescent Determination of Some Rare-Earth Element Content. Sci. Trans., Natl. Univ. Mong. №2(125), 1996, pp.26-36.

Zuzaan P., Gansukh N., Dalhsuren B., Davaa S. Development and Application EDXRF Analysis REE in Ore Samples. Proc. of the 3rd All-Russia and 6th Siberian Conf. on Spectr. Anal. Irkutsk, 6–9 Oct., 1998, pp. 82.

Zuzaan P., Gansukh N., Bolortuya D. Radionuclide induced energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence for the determination of La, Ce, Pr and Nd and their content sums in the rare-earth ores. X-Ray Spectrom. 2010, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 52–56. doi: 10.1002/xrs.1221

Karivai A., Zuzaan P., Gustova M.V. A method for the determination of some rare earth elements and their correlation with thorium using X-ray fluorescence. Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett. 2011, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 576–580. doi: 10.1134/S1547477111060112

Cherkashina T.Yu., Bolortuya D., Revenko A.G., Zuzaan P. Development of x-ray fluorescence technique for the uranium determination in Mongolian coal, coal ash, and phosphate ore. Analitika i kontrol’[Analytics and control, 2014, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 404-410.

Zuzaan P., Lodoysamba S., Damdinsuren Z., Bolortuya D., Ichinkhorloo D. Some results of a study to determine coal quality and elements contents. Proc. of the 3rd Intern. School on Contemp. Phys. (ISCP3), Ulaanbaatar, 2005, pp. 100–103.

Zuzaan P., Damdinsuren Z., Bolortuya D., Lodoysamba S. X-Ray fluorescence technique for determination of elemental contents in Shivee-Ovoo and Baganuur Coal Mines of Mongolia. Phys. Sci. J. Nat. Univ. Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 2005, no. 225(12), pp. 55–57.

Bolortuya D., Zuzaan P., Gustova M.V., Maslov O.D. Study of the correlation between the coal calorific value and coal ash content using X-ray fluorescence analysis. Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett., 2013, vol. 10, pp. 723–726. doi: 10.1134/S1547477114010099

Damdinsuren Z., Zuzaan P., Damdinsuren B. Brief overview of x-ray fluorescence applications in Mongolian brown coal. X-Ray Spectrom., 2024, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 153 -158. doi: 10.1002/xrs.3399

Damdinsuren G., Tsogzolmaa A., Amartaivan T., Zuzaan P., Bolortuya D., Zuzaan P. Study of atomic-nuclear methodology for determination of macro and micro elements in some vegetables. Sci. Trans., Natl. Univ. Mong. “PHYSICS”, 2020, vol. 30 (527), pp. 52–56.

Amartaivan T., Zuzaan P. Trace Elements Analysis of Blood Samples and Serum Using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence. In book: X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences: Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications. Eds: V.K. Singh, J. Kawai, D.K. Tripathi, 2022, Ch. 16, pp. 265-270.

Bolortuya D., Zuzaan P. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Human Hair. In book: X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences: Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications. Eds: V.K. Singh, J. Kawai, D.K. Tripathi, 2022, Ch. 27, pp. 405-418.

Zuzaan P., Bolortuya D. X-Ray Fluorescence Studies of Biological Objects in Mongolia. In book: X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences: Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications. Eds: V.K. Singh, J. Kawai, D.K. Tripathi, 2022, Ch. 37, pp. 591-608.

Revenko A.G. Book information “X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences: Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications”. Eds: V.K. Singh, J. Kawai, D.K. Tripathi. Wiley. 2022, 688 pp. ISBN: 978-1-119-64554-2. Analitika i kontrol’ [Analytics and control], 2022, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 159–166. doi: 10.15826/analitika.2022.26.2.006

Bolortuya D., Zuzaan P. Application of X-ray fluorescence analysis for forensic science in Mongolia. Analitika i kontrol’ [Analytics and control], 2017, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 332–335. (in Russian).

Zuzaan P., Gansukh N., Davaa S., Damdinsuren Z., Batjargal B., Delgerbat L., Rinchinjugder T. On the issue of improving the method of X-ray spectral analysis, which controls the technological process of the Erdenet Mining Corporation. Sci. Trans., Natl. Univ. Mong. 2000, vol. 7 (159), pp. 168–176. (in Mongolian).

Zuzaan P., Erdemchimeg B. Development of a technique for energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence determination of the contents of certain elements in the enrichment products of the Erdenet mining and processing plant. “Abstract of the IV All-Russian Conf. on XRF”. Irkutsk: IZK SB RAS, Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS, ISU, 2002, pp. 23. (in Russian).

Portnoi A.Yu., Pavlinskii G.V., Zuzaan P., Erdemchimeg B. On the formation of the background in the long-wave region of the X-ray spectrum in case fluorescence is excited by radiation from radioisotope sources. In the book: "Abstract of the IV All-Russian Conf. on XRF”. Irkutsk: IZK SB RAS, Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS, ISU, 2002, pp.40. (in Russian).

Portnoi A.Yu., Pavlinskii G.V., Zuzaan P., Erdemchimeg B. Calculation of the bremsstrahlung spectrum of recoil electrons arising when X-ray fluorescence is excited by radiation from radioisotope sources. Analitika i kontrol’[Analytics and control, 2002, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 390-394. (in Russian).

Portnoi A.Yu., Pavlinskii G.V., Zuzaan P., et al. On the formation of the background in the long-wave region of the X-ray spectrum when fluorescence is excited by radiation from radioisotope sources. Proc. of ISCP-2, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2002, pp. 189–196. (in Russian).

Portnoi, A.Yu., Pavlinskii, G.V., Dukhanin, A.Yu., Zuzaan, P., Erdemchimeg B., The Formation of Analytical and Background Signals in Radioisotope X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Using a 241Am Radioactive Source. J. Anal. Chem., vol. 59, no. 11, p. 1057-1065]. doi: 10.1023/B:JANC.0000047008.57675.5b.

Portnoi A.Y., Pavlinskii G.V., Gorbunov M.S., Baranov E.O., Zuzaan P. Optimization of the signal-to-background ratio in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis using a Si(Li) detector. J. Anal. Chem. 2009. vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 495–504. doi: 10.1134/S1061934809050116.

Gansukh N., Dalkhsuren B., Zuzaan P. Fundamental parameter method using scattering peaks. Sci. Trans., Natl. Univ. Mong. 1997, vol. 3(132), pp. 159–169.

Zuzaan P., Bolortuya D., Davaa S., Revenko A.G. Estimation of Applicability of Scattered Radiation for XRF. Proc. of 15th Intern. Conf. on TXRF and related methods. Osaka: Media Center, Osaka City University, 2013, pp. 59–60.

Zuzaan P., Bolortuya D., Davaa S., Revenko A.G. Estimation of applicability of scattered radiation for XRF. Analitika i kontrol’[Analytics and control, 2013, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 376–381.

Revenko A.G., Zuzaan P. xperience in the development and application of methods for X-ray fluorescence analysis of natural materials. In the book: “Russia and Mongolia: Results and prospects of scientific cooperation”. Proc. of the Intern. Sci. Conf. Irkutsk, Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk, 2022, pp. 143-147.

Zuzaan P. Development of X-ray fluorescence and activation analysis techniques of natural materials. Doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2007, 185 p.

Hradecny C., Tethal T., Yermolayev I.M., Zemlaynoi S.G., Zuzaan P. Isotope separation of 22Na and 24Na by using the light induced drift effect. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 1994, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 257-260. doi: 10.1016/0969-8043(94)90020-5

Gangrsky Yu.P., Gradechny Ch., Zemlyanoy S.G., Zuzaan P., Ermolaev I.M., Markov B.N., Myshinsky G.V., Slovak J., Tetgal T., Shtekl I. Light-induced drift of atoms of radioactive isotopes 22Na and 24Na under the influence of laser radiation. GETF, 1994, vol. 106, Issue 3(9), pp. 725-734.

Gangrsky Yu.P., Zhemenik V.I., Zuzaan P., Kuznetsov V.D., Markov B.N., Myshinsky G.V., Valiev F.F., Gradechny Ch., Slavok Ya. [Ion -Guide source for a laser spectrometer]. Izv. RAN. ser. fiz. [Izv. RAS, Ser. Phys.], 1996, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 182-188. (in Russian).

Belov A.G., Gangrsky Yu.P., Tonchev A.P., Zuzaan P. Excitation of the high-spin 180Hf isomer and deexcitation of the 180Ta isomer in (γ,γ’) reactions. Hyperfine Interactions, 1997, vol. 107, pp. 167-173.

Gangrsky Yu.P., Zuzaan P., Kolesnikov N.N., Lukashek V.G., Tonchev A.P. [Isomeric ratios in reactions (,р) at giant dipole resonance energies]. Iadernaia fizika [Nucl. Phys.], 1999, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 1733-1739. (in Russian).

Belov A.G., Gangrsky Yu.P., Gudima K.K., Zuzaan P. Integral cross sections for photonuclear reactions in the region of giant dipole resonance. Atomnaia energiia [Atomic Energy], 2000, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 391-396. (in Russian).

Badamsambuu J., Belov A.G., Gangrsky Yu.P., Zuzaan P., Nguyen Manh Shat. [Excitation functions and fragment yields during photofission of 238U]. Soobshcheniia OIIaI [Communications of JINR], Dubna, 2007, Р15-2007-191, 6 p. (in Russian).

Gangrskii Y.P., Zuzaan P., Belov A.G., Blaszchak Z., Zhemenik V.I., Markov B.N., Myshinskii G.V. Yield of fission fragments from the photofission of actinide nuclei. Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett. 2013, vol. 10, pp. 422–423. doi: 10.1134/S1547477113050105

Revenko A.G. Conference “X-ray Analysis”, September 2006, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. Analitika i kontrol’[Analytics and control], 2006, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 216. (in Russian).

Revenko A.G. Third International Conference on X-ray Analysis Analitika i kontrol’[Analytics and control], 2013, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 246-247. (in Russian).

Revenko A., Zuzaan P., Davaa S. Report on the Third International Conference on X-ray analysis, 20–24 August 2012, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (review). X-Ray Spectrom., 2013, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 409–411. doi: 10.1002/xrs.2510

Revenko A., Hoffmann P. Editorial Russian/Mongolian Special issue of XRS. Issue Edited by P. Hoffmann, A. Revenko. X-Ray Spectrom., 2010, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1002/xrs.1240

Purev Z., Revenko A., Damdinsuren B. Report on the Fourth International Conference on X-ray Analysis in Mongolia. X-Ray Spectrom. 2016, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 194-196. doi: 10.1002/xrs.2690

Revenko A, Zuzaan P., Bolortuya D. Report on the 4th International Conference on X-ray Analysis, June 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Adv. X-ray Chem. Anal., Japan, 2016, vol. 47, pp. 351-356. doi:10.57415/xshinpo.47.0_351

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2024.28.2.006


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