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Privacy Statement

Updated: May 13, 2017

Please read this privacy statement carefully to understand our practices about how Chimica Techno Acta ("Journal", "we") collects and uses your personal information.

Information We Collect
In order to access certain content and to make use of additional functionality and features of the Journal, and in order to be able to submit an article, we ask you to register for an account by completing and submitting a registration form. The types of personal information that the Journal collects directly from your input may include:

  • contact details, such as your name, email address, postal address and telephone number;
  • educational and professional background information;
  • usernames and passwords;
  • and other content you submit to the Journal.

Use of Your Information
We may use your personal information to:

  • provide you with access to the Journal's web site;
  • enable receipt, review, editing, production, and publication of articles in our Journal;
  • respond to your requests and provide technical support;
  • notify you about Journal's news that we believe may interest you, provided that you don’t opt out of receiving such communications.

Disclosure of Your Information
We may need to disclose your personal information to any other third parties (including regulatory authorities, courts and government agencies) where necessary to:

  • respond to or comply with any law, regulation, subpoena, court order or other legal obligation;
  • detect, investigate and help prevent security threats, fraud or other malicious activity;
  • protect the rights, property or safety of our users, employees or others.

Access to and Accuracy of Your Information
The Journal may allow registered users to access their account information and make corrections or updates upon log in at any time. The accuracy of such information is solely the responsibility of the user. If you request to deactivate your account or delete your personal information, we will endeavor to fulfill your request but some personal information may persist in backup copies for a certain period of time and may be retained as necessary for legitimate purposes or to comply with our legal obligations.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy
We may change this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date. Any changes will come into effect the next time you engage with us after the changes have been notified.