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Mauer, Dmitry K., Chemistry Department, Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)
Medvedev, Dmitry A., Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS; Ural Federal University (Russian Federation)
Medvedev, Dmitry A., Ural Federal University & Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, UB RAS (Russian Federation)
Mirzayants, Daria P., Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation)
Motola, Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)
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Electrochemical Materials and Technologies, 2022-2024
ISSN 2949-0561 (Online)
License "El No. ФС77-84010" (Roskomnadzor, 30.09.2022)