Specific Features of Volume-modular Technology Application in the Design of Microwave Electronic Devices

Д. Г. Фомин, Н. В. Дударев, С. Н. Даровских, Д. С. Клыгач, М. Г. Вахитов


State of problem. Today a significant part of passive microwave electronic devices is implemented in the form of single-layer structures. In some cases, such approach leads to an increase in the overall dimension’s characteristics of electronic equipment. Moreover, the application of single-layer microwave boards leads to the complexity of replacing individual functional units. Therefore, the replacement of the entire microwave board is required to improve any of its functional part. It is nonprofit economically and inefficient technologically. Significant progress in eliminating the above-mentioned disadvantages may be achieved by the application of volume-modular technology of design microwave electronic devices. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to present a brief overview of the features of the application of volume-modular technology in the design of microwave electronic devices of modern radio-electronic equipment. The volume-modular way of implementing microwave devices is described. It allows improving their weight and overall dimension characteristics and at the same time maintaining and increasing their functionality. The basic principles of design of volume modular microwave electronic devices are formulated. The results of numerical simulation of the electrodynamics characteristics of a strip-slot transition are presented. The method for quantitative assessment of the influence of volume-modular technology on the weight and dimensions characteristics of microwave electronic devices is considered. The main advantages and disadvantages of volume-modular technology are listed. Results. We demonstrate a possibility of reducing the overall dimensions characteristics of passive microwave electronic devices by more than 10 times while maintaining their electrical parameters. Each component is presented in the form of a structurally separate and complete board with unified overall and connecting dimensions. The standard electromagnetic coupling between functional parts makes it possible to assemble microwave electronic devices with specified electrodynamics characteristics from the base elements.


Fomin D. G., Dudarev N. V., Darovskikh S. N., Klygach D. S., Vakhitov M. G. Specific features of volume-modular technology application in the design of microwave electronic devices. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2021;5(2):91–103. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15826/urej.2021.5.2.001.

Ключевые слова

volume-modular technology;design; microwave electronic devices; S-parameters

Полный текст:

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