L. G. Shaidarova, A. V. Gedmina, E. R. Zhaldak, I. A. Chelnokova, H. C. Budnikov


The greatest interest in biomedicine among sulfur-containing compounds are the systems with redox couple thiol / disulfide. This is due to the fact that the most important part of the antioxidant system that converts free radicals into the low-activity products and interrupts the chain reactions in the body is a thiol-disulfide link with thiol / disulfide ratio (-SH/-SS- - coefficient) as its quantitative characteristic. Determination of this coefficient in the biological fluids (blood plasma) is used for the diagnosis and the study of the therapeutic treatment dynamics. The methods for the sulfur compounds voltammetric determination at the electrode modified by a film of cobalt hexachloroplatinate are developed and used for thiol/disulfide coefficient (TDC) determination. For the calculation of the TDC value the total substance of thiols and disulfides in the blood is defined using cystine / cysteine and glutathione oxidized / glutathione systems. A catalytic effect on the electrode modified with the cobalt hexachloroplatinate film is observed during the oxidation of all above mentioned sulfur-containing compounds. This effect results in decreasing potential and multiple increasing of sulfur containing compounds oxidation current. The linear dependence of the catalytic current from analyte concentration is observed in the range from 0.5 mM to 5.0 mM. The proposed method was used for determination of the TDC in the blood.

Key words: chemically modified electrode, cobalt hexachloroplatinate, electrocatalysis, thiol-disulphide coefficient 




L.G. Shaidarova, A.V. Gedmina, E.R. Zhaldak, I.A. Chelnokova, H.C. Budnikov

 Kazan Federal University, А. Butlerov Chemical Institute, Kazan`, Russian Federation

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