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Lyudmila Angelova, Nezabravka Genova, Stiliyana Stoyanova, Olya Surleva, Ioan-Hristian Nekov, Darya Ilieva, Andriana Surleva


This comparative study was aimed at estimating analytical behavior of methods for determination of plant available potassium applied to Bulgarian arable soils and to reveal the relationship between the amount of extractable K. Twenty-four samples from two traditional agricultural regions in Bulgaria were studied. Soil potassium was extracted by NH4OAc/HOAc pH 4.5 (AA), diluted double acid (Mehlich 1), CaCl2, BaCl2 and a modified acetate/lactate method (ALM) and determined by Flame AES. The factors influencing the methods accuracy were identified and uncertainty was estimated. The expanded uncertainty was (in mg K2O (100 g dry soil)-1): 0.10 (ALM), 0.64 (Mehlich 1), 0.17 (CaCl2) and 1.1 (AA). The study revealed that the factor which mainly influence the uncertainty of the applied analytical methods for plant available potassium in soil was the calibration of Flame AES determination. The obtained results showed that extractable potassium lowered in the following order . Soil potassium extracted by ALM procedure correlated with AA, BaCl2-K, CaCl2 –K and Mehlich 1 - K at 0.05 level of significance. ALM extracted between 1.2 to 5.8 times more soil K than other methods did. The obtained results provided a base for further study on correlation between extractable K and soil fertility indices for particular soil types and climatic regions in Bulgaria.

Keywords: available potassium, extraction methods, Flame AES, uncertainty, arable soils

 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.3.001

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.3.001


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