
Рассмотрен творческий путь выдающегося физика Мурадина Абубекировича Кумахова (1941-2014 гг.) ‒ доктора физико-математических наук, профессора, начальника лаборатории электромагнитных взаимодействий Института атомной энергии им. И.В. Курчатова, генерального директора ООО «Институт рентгеновской оптики» (ООО «ИРО»), основателя нового направления в мировой науке, названного в его честь «оптикой Кумахова». Материал излагается по разделам: «Введение», «Детство. Школьные годы», «Учёба в МГУ. Первые шаги в науке», «Рентгеновская оптика», «Заключение». Использованы выдержки из воспоминаний коллег и родственников М.А. Кумахова. Обсуждён его вклад в развитие ядерной физики, рентгеновской и нейтронной оптики и рентгенофлуоресцентного метода анализа.
Ключевые слова: ядерная физика, рентгеновская и нейтронная оптика, творческий путь профессора М.А. КумаховаПолный текст:
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[Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of time. Life and creativity. (Our celebrities Series)] / Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nal`chik: El`brus, 2016. 216 p. (in Russian).
Kumakhova Khanifa [Memories of Muradin]. In the book: Operedivshii vremia. Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo [Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of time. Life and creativity (Our celebrities Series)] / Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nalchik: Elbrus, 2016. P. 209-211. (in Russian).
Zakuraev A.F. [Bright personality]. Ibid. P. 40-42. (in Russian).
Kumakhov A.M. [A classic of radiation physics]. Ibid. P. 54-58. (in Russian).
Beloshitskiy V.V. [Outstanding physicist of our time]. Ibid. P. 12-22. (in Russian).
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Dedkov G.V. [A good mark in science and life]. In the book: Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of his time. Life and work (Series "Our celebrities") / Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nal`chik: El`brus, 2016. P. 37-39. (in Russian).
[Anatoly Filippovich Tulinov. Series "Outstanding Scientists of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University"]. Issue XVII / Ed. E.A. Krylova. Moscow: Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, 2014.150 p. (in Russian).
[Tables of parameters of the spatial distribution of ion-implanted impurities: (Theory, calculation method, tables)] / A.F. Burenkov [and others]. Minsk: BSU Publishing House, 1980.350 p. (in Russian).
Kumakhov M.A. [Multiple processes in the theory of interaction of nuclear particles with crystals: Abstract of a diss. for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences]. Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1968.12 p. (in Russian).
Martynenko Yu.V. [Memories of Muradin Abubekirovich Kumakhov]. In the book: Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of his time. Life and creation. Compiled by M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nal`chik: El`brus. 2016. P. 78. (in Russian).
Kumakhov M.A. [Investigation of the interaction of charged particles with crystals: diss. ... doctor of physical-mathematical sciences: Minsk, 1974. 387 p. (in Russian).
Tashlykov I.S. [World renowned physicist]. In the book: Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of his time. Life and work (Series "Our celebrities") / Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nalchik: Elbrus, 2016. P. 117-124. (in Russian).
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Kumakhov M.A., Komarov F.F. Radiation from Charged Particles in Solids. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1989, 306 pp.
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Komarov F.F., Kumakhov M.A., Tashlykov I.S. Non-Destructive Ion Beam Analysis of Surfaces. New York, Philadelphia – Reading – Paris – Montreux – Tokyo – Melbourne: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1990, 232 pp.
Beloshitsky V.V., Fayazov R.F., Kumakhov M.A. Surface heating by short X-ray pulses. Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 1993, vol. 125, no. 1-3, pp. 241-256. Doi: 10.1080/10420159308225505
Kumakhov M.G. [Muradin Kumakhov: Defying Time]. Ibid. P. 59-67.
Revenko A.G. [Meteor in the sky]. [Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of time. Life and creativity]. Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nal`chik: El`brus, 2016, pp. 109-116 (in Russian).
Arkadiev V.А., Kolomiitsev A.I., Kumakhov M.A., Ponomarev I.Yu., Khodeev I.A., Chertov Yu.P., Shakhparonov I.M. [Broadband X-ray optics with a large angular aperture]. Advances in physical sciences. 1989, vol. 157, no. 3, pp. 529-537.
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Gruev D.I. [Friend and colleague]. In the book: Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of his time. Life and Work (Series "Our Celebrities") / Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Na`lchik: El`brus, 2016. P. 32-36. (in Russian).
Ozerov V.S. [Muradin Kumakhov in my memory and destiny]. Ibid. P. 83-99. (in Russian).
Kupchishin A.I. [Friend, colleague, teacher, and mentor]. Ibid. P. 68-74. (in Russian).
Dabagov S.B., Kumakhov M.A., Nikitina S.V. On the interference of X-rays in multiple reflection optics. Phys. Lett. A, 1995, vol. 203, no. 5-6, pp. 279-282. Doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(95)00393-H
Kumakhov MA. X-ray and neutron polycapillary optics: status and perspectives. Proc. SPIE, 1997, vol. 3113, pp. 362-368. Doi: 10.1117/12.278866
Alexandrov Yu.M., Dabagov S.B., Kumakhov M.A., Murashova V.A., Fedui D.A. Peculiarities of photon transmission through capillary systems, 1998. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, vol. 134, no. 2, pp. 174–180. Doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(98) 00554-0
Kumakhov M.A. Capillary optics and their use in x-ray analysis. X-Ray Spectrom., 2000, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 343-348. Doi: 10.1002/1097-4539(200009/10)29:5<343:: AIDXRS414>3.0.CO;2-S
Kumakhov M.A. X-ray capillary optics: history of development and present status. Proc. SPIE, 2000, vol. 4155, pp. 2 -12. doi: 10.1117/12.387859
Kumakhov M.A. Status of polycapillary optics and perspectives. Proc. SPIE, 2002, vol. 4765, pp. 20-25. doi.org/10.1117/12.489770
Aliev F.K., Alimov G.R., Ikramov A., Inoyatov A.Kh., Kumakhov M.A., Muminov A.T., Muminov T.M., Salikhbayev U.S., Safarov A.N., Skvortsov V.V., Usmanov R.R., Khazratov T., Yuldashev B.S. Hard γ-quanta scattering on a smooth surface at very small slide angles. Intern. Conf. on X-ray and Neutron Capillary Optics, Proc. SPIE, 2002, vol. 4765, pp. 145-148. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.489753
Kumakhov M.A. Polycapillary optics and its applications. Proc. SPIE, 2004, vol. 5943, pp. 102-115. Doi: 10.1117/12.637779
Kumakhov M.A. The new device for imaging: Volumescope. Proc. SPIE, 2004, V. 5943, pp. 59430P-59430P(3). Doi: 10.1117/12.637978
Dabagov S.B. [Channeling of neutral particles in microand nanocapillaries]. Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk [Advances of physical Sciences]. 2003, vol. 173, no. 10, pp. 1083-1106 (in Russian).
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Revenko A.G. Specific features of X-ray fluorescence analysis techniques using capillary lenses and synchrotron radiation // Spectrochim. Acta, Part B. 2007. V. 62, № 7. P. 567-576.
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Pavlinsky G.V. Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics. Cambridge Intern. Sci. Publ. Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2008, 240 pp.
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Poturaev S.V. Channeling through life with M.A. Kumakhov. In the book: Muradin Kumakhov: Ahead of his time. Life and Work (Series "Our Celebrities") / Comp. M.G. Kumakhov, A.M. Kumakhov. Nalchik: Elbrus, 2016. P. 104-108.
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